Art Deco Egyptian Revival Bronze Cats Signed A. Toit Circa 1970
Pair of Art Deco Egyptian Revival Bronze Cats Signed A. Toit Circa 1970
Magnificent Pair of tall and god like French 20th century Art Deco Bronze Egyptian Revival Cats with gilt collars signed by the artist/sculptor A.Toit, dating to around 1970 France, this magnificent pair of imposing cats would enhance any internal or external doorway or fireplace, simply beautiful.
The cat was the sacred animal of the goddess Bastet, a great and benevolent Egyptian goddess. In her honor, mummified cats, sometimes in impressive bronze or wooden containers, were donated at her temples, of which the most important were located at Bubastis and Saqqara. The mummies were then buried within her temple precincts.
An impression of majesty is created by the cat's erect and dignified pose and the alert expression of the eyes. The sleek muscles and long graceful legs convey a sense of controlled power.
For the Egyptians, the goddesses Bastet and Sakhmet were two aspects of divine power. Sakhmet, the lioness, represented dangerous, potentially destructive forces. Bastet, the feline of the house, incorporated the benevolent aspects of a deity that could be pacified by rituals.
Cats were first domesticated by the Egyptians in the Middle Kingdom for their mouse-hunting abilities. By New Kingdom times they had also become household companions. In tomb scenes they frequently appear seated beneath the chairs of their owners or on sporting boats in the Nile marshes, where they flush out birds for their masters.
Material: Hollow-cast bronze.
Condition: excellent condition with minor age related wear, quite heavy, wonderful patina.
Height 25" inches / 63.5cm
Width: 9” inches / 22.86cm
Depth: 14” inches / 35.56cm
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